Leading Multiple Effect Evaporators Manufacturer Supplier

Leading Multiple Effect Evaporators Manufacturer Supplier:

Multiple Effect Evaporators Manufacturer Supplier

Goldfinch Evaporation Systems Private Limited, established in October 2015, initially started as the Evaporation Division within Goldfinch Engineering Systems. Recognizing the growing demand for evaporation solutions, the division was later transformed into a full-fledged private limited company named Goldfinch Evaporation Systems Private Limited in 2022. 

Goldfinch Evaporation Systems specializes exclusively in Evaporator Projects, including Multiple Effect Evaporators (MEE), Mechanical Vapour Recompression Evaporators (MVRE), and Agitated Thin Film Dryers, catering to the wastewater and process industry. With a focus on delivering efficient and cost-effective solutions, our team of experienced designers utilizes the latest software in thermal design to create customized evaporator systems.

Our Leading Multiple Effect Evaporators Manufacturer Supplier are designed to achieve optimum capital and operating costs, ensuring maximum efficiency and productivity. By utilizing the principle of multiple effects, our evaporators are capable of achieving higher evaporation rates while minimizing energy consumption. This makes them ideal for handling complicated and challenging wastewater streams that involve mixtures of various salts and organics, as well as various process effluents and RO reject.

Over the years, Goldfinch Evaporation Systems has successfully commissioned numerous projects of various capacities, both in India and abroad. Our expertise in Multiple Effect Evaporators, Mechanical Vapour Recompressor Evaporators, and Salt recovery projects has earned us a reputation for delivering reliable and high-quality solutions.

To ensure the highest standards of manufacturing, Goldfinch Evaporation Systems boasts its own in-house manufacturing facility spread over 10,000 square feet. This facility is dedicated to the fabrication of heat exchangers, a critical component of multiple effect evaporators. By maintaining control over the manufacturing process, we can guarantee the quality and durability of our equipment.

At Goldfinch Evaporation Systems, we are committed to providing innovative and efficient evaporator solutions to meet the evolving needs of the wastewater and process industry. Our focus on customization, advanced technology, and customer satisfaction sets us apart as a trusted partner for your evaporation requirements.

Contact Goldfinch Evaporation Systems Private Limited today to discuss your project needs and discover how our multiple effect evaporators can optimize your operations and deliver exceptional results.


Multiple Effect Evaporators is a process that is used to concentrate solutions by removing a portion of the solvent, typically water, through vaporization. This process is commonly employed in wastewater treatment plants when other methods are not suitable or effective.

One reason why evaporation is necessary is because biological process-based wastewater treatment plants are unable to treat high total dissolved solids (TDS) wastewaters. These wastewaters contain a high concentration of dissolved salts, making it difficult for microbes to survive and carry out the necessary biological processes for treatment. In such cases, Multiple Effect Evaporators can be used to remove the excess water and concentrate the remaining solution, allowing for more effective treatment of the remaining contaminants.

Another situation where Multiple Effect Evaporators evaporation is needed is when the wastewater has a high refractory or low biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) to chemical oxygen demand (COD) ratio. Biological processes are typically designed to treat wastewater with a certain BOD/COD ratio, but when this ratio is not within the optimal range, the efficiency of the treatment process is compromised. Evaporation can help in these cases by concentrating the wastewater, thereby increasing the BOD/COD ratio and making it more suitable for biological treatment.

Reverse osmosis (RO) is another commonly used method for wastewater treatment, but it can be ineffective when dealing with high TDS and high COD effluent. The high concentration of salts and contaminants in the wastewater can cause the RO membranes to become clogged and less efficient. Evaporation can be used as a pre-treatment step to remove a significant portion of the water and reduce the load on the RO membranes, improving their performance and prolonging their lifespan.

In some cases, other treatment options may not be practical or economically feasible. Multiple Effect Evaporators provides a viable alternative that can be implemented in a cost-effective manner. By concentrating the Multiple Effect Evaporators wastewater, evaporation allows for the recovery of valuable resources, such as salts or other dissolved solids, which can be further processed or sold. Additionally, the concentrated effluent can be more easily transported or disposed of, reducing the overall costs associated with wastewater treatment.

The process of Multiple Effect Evaporators involves several components, including heat exchangers (calendria), vapor-liquid separators (VLS), and condensers. Heat exchangers and condensers are typically of the shell and tube type, as they are the most economical option. In a single-effect evaporator, steam is introduced into the shell side of the heat exchanger, while the effluent to be evaporated is pumped through the tube side. The heated effluent is then pumped to the VLS, where the vapors are separated from the liquid. The concentrated effluent is recirculated through the heat exchanger, and the separated vapor is condensed in the condenser. The saturated effluent solution is then removed from the system as a concentrated product.

After the Multiple Effect Evaporators process, further steps may be required depending on the type of salt present in the solution. Filtration or drying is commonly used to separate the precipitated solids from the remaining liquid, known as the mother liquor. Filtration is achieved using suitable filter media, such as cloth or steel mesh, with a specific micron size. Drying involves Multiple Effect Evaporators the remaining water from the concentrated mother liquor to form dry solids. Crystallization, which involves the formation of sizable crystals through seeding, is another option that can be followed by filtration.

In summary, evaporation is a crucial process in wastewater treatment when other methods are not suitable or effective. It allows for the concentration of solutions by removing water, making it easier to treat high TDS wastewaters, high refractory or low BOD/COD ratio wastewaters, and effluents that would otherwise choke reverse osmosis membranes. Multiple Effect Evaporators systems consist of heat exchangers, vapor-liquid separators, and condensers, and can be designed as single-effect or multiple-effect evaporators. The concentrated effluent can be further processed through filtration, drying, or crystallization, depending on the specific requirements.


MVR, which stands for Mechanical Vapor Recompression, is a type of evaporator used in wastewater treatment. Unlike Thermo Vapor Recompression (TVR), MVR utilizes the mechanical movement of lobes to compress the vapor generated during evaporation. This means that MVR-based evaporators involve the use of moving parts and require regular maintenance to ensure their proper functioning.

One advantage of MVR-based systems is that they have a lower footprint compared to other evaporator types. This means that they require less space for installation, making them suitable for applications where space is limited.

However, MVR-based evaporators are power-dependent and have a high power requirement. The mechanical movement of lobes requires energy to operate, and this energy consumption can be significant. Therefore, it is important to consider the power requirements and associated costs when choosing an MVR-based system.

On the other hand, MVR-based systems have the advantage of requiring little to no utilities. This means that they do not rely heavily on external resources such as steam or electricity for their operation. This can be beneficial in terms of reducing operational costs and simplifying the overall system design.

In summary, MVR-based evaporators use the mechanical movement of lobes to compress vapor during evaporation. They require maintenance due to the involvement of moving parts and have a high power requirement. However, they have a smaller footprint compared to other evaporator types and require little to no utilities for operation.


Thermo Vapor Recompression (TVR) based evaporators are a type of evaporator used in wastewater treatment. These evaporators utilize thermal energy, typically high-pressure boiler steam, for vapor compression. The vapor generated from heating the wastewater is compressed to increase its temperature above that of the medium to be heated.

The process of vapor compression involves taking the low-pressure vapor generated during evaporation and compressing it. This compression increases the temperature of the vapor, allowing it to be used for heating purposes. By utilizing vapor recompression, the evaporator can achieve increased steam economy through enhanced heat recovery.

TVR-based evaporators are commonly used in multiple-effect evaporator systems. In these systems, the vapor recompression is employed to achieve more efficient heating in the earlier effects of the evaporator. This is because the heat transfer coefficients are typically highest in the earlier effects. By reducing the net area of evaporation, TVR-based evaporators can optimize the overall efficiency of the evaporation process.

The vapor recompression in TVR-based evaporators can be achieved using thermal energy from high-pressure boiler steam or mechanical energy from reciprocating or lobe compressors. The choice of energy source depends on the specific requirements and available resources.

In summary, Thermo Vapor Recompression (TVR) based evaporators are a type of evaporator used in wastewater treatment. They utilize thermal energy or mechanical energy to compress the vapor generated during evaporation, increasing its temperature for efficient heating. TVR-based evaporators are commonly used in multiple-effect evaporator systems to optimize heat recovery and improve overall efficiency.


ZLD stands for Zero Liquid Discharge. It’s a wastewater treatment process that aims to eliminate any liquid discharge from a system. In simpler terms, ZLD treats wastewater and recycles as much water as possible,leaving behind only solid waste for disposal.

ZLD is like being super careful with that dirty water. Instead of throwing it away, you clean it really well with fancy filters and machines. This cleaning process can be like squeezing and evaporating the water until almost all of it is clear and usable again. The leftover dirty bits are what gets thrown away, not the water itself.

This way, ZLD helps save water and keeps the environment cleaner by not letting any icky leftovers loose. It’s like super recycling for water!

Implemention of ZLD system:

  • To comply with increasingly stringent environmental regulations
  • To conserve water in areas with water scarcity
  • To reduce the volume of wastewater that needs to be treated and disposed of
  • To recover valuable resources from wastewater, such as salts and minerals.

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